Privacy & Security Policy

Last updated: August 31, 2019

WealthSpring welcomes you to our website and greatly appreciates your interest in our services and products. We attach great importance to appropriate data protection. This page explains how we treat your personal data in connection with your use of our website (“privacy policy”). Please read this privacy policy before submitting any sensitive personal information or data.

By using the WealthSpring website to make investments, you confirm that you are 18 years of age or older and expressly agree with and accept this privacy policy.

Please note that we may amend this privacy policy from time to time. The applicable version is always the current one, as referenced above (last updated). Once posted on the WealthSpring website, a policy will be deemed to have been provided to a client.

Collection of Information

WealthSpring, its officers, employees and agents collect information (which can include sensitive personal information) to assist WealthSpring in its relationship with you. If you are unable to provide the information we need we may not be able to provide you with the service you have requested. We may also be required by law to collect certain information.

The types of information collected can include:

  • Personal identity information such as postal address, email address, personal identification documents., domicile status etc
  • Information which relates to your financial affairs, business, employment, income or assets
  • Information which arises or is required in connection with the transactions you do based on the advice provided to you by WealthSpring
  • Information which helps WealthSpring process applications made by you for particular products and services
  • Information relevant for recommendation of products
  • Information which is related to your existing investments, and borrowings such as personal loans, car loans, housing loans and guarantees
  • Information which is related to your investment objectives such as purpose of investment and time period of investment
  • Information required to comply with legal and supervisory provisions as well as our own internal guidelines
  • Information about identity and suitability of clients for certain products and services
  • To establish a basis for future information on the services and products offered by WealthSpring and to improve their quality
  • Information to facilitate technical administration, research and further development in connection with the WealthSpring website
  • Information for marketing and advertising measures (e.g. newsletters via e-mail, online advertising)
  • Information to analyse user behaviour and navigation while on the website
  • Information to facilitate client administration

This information is only used to fulfil the services requested of us. We may be under an
obligation to preserve personal information collected from you in a form and in a manner
as may be required under law, rules, regulations issued by any governmental authority or market regulator for a specified term.

Distribution of Information

While we will not generally disclose your personal information or make such
information available for inspection to a third party, we may however do so if we are required to do so by law, regulations, rules, any Government authority, market regulator, any court order, decree or award, or to market intermediaries (if authorized by you).

Security measures

WealthSpring takes appropriate technical and organisational security measures to ensure that personal data collected and stored in connection with your visit to our website is protected against unauthorised access, misuse, loss and/or destruction.

WealthSpring takes both physical and electronic process-specific security measures, including firewalls, personal passwords, and encryption and authentication technologies. Our employees and the service providers commissioned by us are bound by professional secrecy and must comply with all data protection provisions.

Additionally, access to personal data is restricted to only those employees, contractors and third parties who require this access in order to assure the purpose of data processing and the provision of services and products (need to know principle).


The WealthSpring website uses cookies for statistical purposes as a tool for our web developers and to improve the user experience. Cookies are small files that are placed on your computer via your web browser when you visit the WealthSpring website. These files store information on your preferences when using our website, which they transmit to our server (e.g. preference settings). This allows you to find your way around the website more quickly and use it more efficiently the next time you visit it.
We use cookies for example to:

  • Record user preferences regarding screen layout, including the preferred language and country;
  • Monitor the number and type of visits to the website, so as to be able to determine which parts of the website work well and which need to be improved;
  • Gather statistical data on the number of users and their user behaviour in order to optimise the website’s speed and performance.

Please note that most web browsers accept cookies automatically. You can configure your browser to not save any or only certain cookies on your computer or to always display a warning before receiving a new cookie. Deactivating cookies can, however, prevent you from using certain functions on our portal.

The WealthSpring website may contain links to the websites of other companies (“third-party websites”) that are not operated or monitored by us. Please be aware that such third-party websites are not bound by this privacy policy and that we are not responsible for their content or their principles regarding the handling of personal data. We therefore recommend consulting and checking the individual privacy policies of third-party websites.
Web analysis tools

We may use web analysis tools for the purpose of website analytics & reporting.
This involves the creation of pseudo-anonymised data and use of small text
files stored on your computer (cookies).
The information about your use of our website generated by these cookies,
is not transmitted to any third-party servers.
It is used exclusively for our internal web analysis purposes. Such information may include:

  • Host name of the accessing computer (IP address)
  • Type/version of browser used
  • Operating system
  • Referrer URL (website from which visitors are redirected to the WealthSpring website by clicking a link)
  • Date and time of server request

Please refer to the previous section, “Cookies”, for information on deleting cookies.

Transmission of data via the Internet

WealthSpring would like to draw your attention to the fact that data transmitted via an open network like the Internet cannot be fully protected from third-party access. This may result in such data being disclosed or altered in content, or lead to technical errors in its transmission. In particular, data sent via the Internet (e.g. via a contact form on the website or an e-mail service) may leave the country – even where both sender and recipient are in the same country – and may be transmitted to and potentially stored in a third-party country in which data protection requirements may be laxer than in your country of residence.

Where data is transmitted to WealthSpring via the Internet, we cannot be held responsible for the protection of this data. We recommend avoiding the transmission of any strictly confidential information via open networks.

Commitment to Information Security

Your personal information is kept secure at all times. We comply with the relevant security principles set out in the applicable privacy laws of India. We are not bound by privacy laws of any jurisdiction other than India. Only employees of WealthSpring, its authorized agents and advisors (who have agreed to maintain confidentiality in relation to the information) will have access to this information. We shall not divulge any personal information about you, which we have knowledge of, without taking your prior permission, except where such disclosures are required to be made in compliance with any law for the time being in force.

Contact Information

If you have any questions, concerns, or comments about our privacy policy you may contact us using the information below:

Postal address: 446, Level 4, A Block, Dynasty Business Park, Andheri Kurla Road 400 059


Meet Us

Level 17, DLH Park Ramlal Compound,
SV Road Goregaon (West), Mumbai,
Maharashtra, 400064

Email Us

Call Us

+91 98 190 06666
